a classic hardcover version of the book.

"The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment ."

Getting a chance to review a classic is something I consider very honourable ,I feel every book is special in its own right but for me there's a different flavour in every classic . 'Around the world in 80 days ' is one of my favourite works by the great maestro ,Jule Verne himself and I have a feeling I won't be able to do much justice to his work in a few lines. Nevertheless I will give you a glipse of his brilliance.

As the name suggests,its a story - an epic story pardon me ,about this man who wagers a bet that he can travel across the the globe in just eighty days , little does he know about the epic journey that he is about to undertake .The man in question is Phileas Fogg - a man on a mission ,a man who is exact in his actions,in his words and a man who never allowed himself a superfluous gesture , Fogg is accompanied by his faithful French servant ,Passepartout as he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime . Once you start following their journey you will feel as if you are part of it itself .The way Verne pictures every different iconic location as Fogg races against time ,travelling across four continents by whatever means he can -trains,elephants ,steamship ,even a sledge is truly apprehending .While he is at it ,the pair is hilariously followed by a detective who is under the impression that Fogg has robbed a bank and adds to the comic relief in various parts of the relief (funny Verne named the guy 'Fix' .)

"I see that it is by no means useless to travel ,if a man wants to see something new. "

'Around the World in 80 days ' is a story of reckoning that man can truly achieve what he desires if his goal is set and he never gives up .What happens in the end is something you need to find out for yourself because I really want you to read it inside out. The excerpts of the different experiences that Phileas Fogg encounters will help you understand about different cultures and societies around the world .The brilliance of Verne is showcased when he shows us the prejudices of the world .I will leave you guys with my favourite line from the book - ' Why you are a man of heart,"Sometime, " replied Phileas Fogg ,quietly ,"When I have the time." '

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